Over the recent break we had a chance to play a small, three-player, fifty-point game of Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team. There was a Nurgle force, a Chaos Space Marine force, and I played a Necron force. The Nurgle force was comprised of all Nurgle Marines, the Chaos Space Marines included three Chaos Marines and two cultists (one with a Heavy Stubber who stayed back all game), and the Necrons included just three Immortals.
The game featured a high-elevation objective, which awarded ten points per turn that it was held unchallenged.
There were a number of avenues to approach the objective, and Nurgle made a mad dash to the objective, while the Necrons and Chaos Marines tried to shoot them from afar (with little effect).
By mid-game, every force had all assembled near the center objective, and the game turned into a massive, multi-team melee.
In the end, the massive melee turned into a boring roll-fest. The three forces were so strong on defense and so weak on offense that the rolling went on several turns without one casualty.
The Nurgle force eventually dominated close combat (thanks to their extreme durability and plague weapons) and won the game by defeating a few Chaos Marines, thereby reaching fifty points to achieve victory.
Although a fun learning game, we decided that next game we would likely change the objective placement and win conditions. We also decided that each team would have benefited from bringing a few more special and heavy weapons into the battle.
We look forward to future battles using our Kill Team forces!