I recently completed painting my BattleTech: Clan Invasion Box Set in anticipation of some post-COVID restrictions gaming. I painted them green with gold, red, and blue accents, and used Kroma Crackle to provide a broken mud effect for the bases.
Despite being a kid in the 1980s (and wargaming since the early 1990s), I have not yet ever played a tabletop game of BattleTech. Although one of the wargaming industry’s most important and longest-lasting science-fiction universes, I'm sadly much more familiar with its computer game version, MechWarrior. My best BattleTech / MechWarrior memory was at the now defunct Wizards of the Coast Game Center, which was located near the University of Washington's main campus in the late 1990s. The Game Center featured a BattleTech virtual-reality game with twelve simulator pods, and I played in more than a few sessions with my friends back then....
I'm glad that Catalyst Game Labs has released a new version of BattleTech - and I'm excited to again jump into some battles in the BattleTech / MechWarrior universe - this time on the tabletop!