Showing posts with label Age of Sigmar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Age of Sigmar. Show all posts

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Classic Warhammer Fantasy Miniatures: Dryads

I recently again painted a few classic Warhammer Fantasy Battle miniatures, this time the Dryads sculpted by Trish Morrison back in the mid-1990s.  

I won these off of Ebay about a year ago and they had been sitting around primed Army Painter Leather Brown until a week ago.  I picked out some simple details, washed them with Army Painter Dark Tone, and then lightly dry-brushed them.  I aligned the style of their bases to join my pack of Wood Elves by added some pink flowers in an attempt to tie them all together.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Classic Warhammer Fantasy Miniatures: Bloodletters of Khorne

A few month ago, I picked up some mid-1990s Khorne Bloodletters from Ebay.  This iteration of Bloodletters are much more chunky than the 1989 originals (the arched, lithe Alan Perry versions from the Slaves to Darkness volume of Realm of Chaos).  

The models that I won were sculpted by Aly Morrison and Colin Dixon around 1996.  I repainted them, adding in a deeper, more vibrant red, along with some blue highlights and over-brushing.  I then rebased them to match a small, fully painted Chaos army I also won off of Ebay.  I think they match those models fairly well and combined they will give me a smallish Chaos force to meet my Wood Elves in future skirmishes....

Monday, March 1, 2021

Classic Warhammer Fantasy Miniatures: Ariel, Mage Queen of Loren

I painted up another classic Warhammer Fantasy Battle miniature, this time it's Ariel, sculpted by Gary Morley, again from back in the mid-1990s.  She was one of Citadel's "super-sized" Warhammer models -- similar to other Morley sculpts such as Nagash and Ariel's Wood Elf companion, Orion.  I won her off Ebay in a steal of a deal, and repainted her over the course of a few months (as a side project alongside other painting projects).  

Ariel will lead a pack of Wood Elves that I also purchased off of Ebay, for which I only did some very minor enhancements.  I aligned the style of all their bases, highlighted each model with pink, and then added some flowers in an attempt to tie them all together.  They should be a very small (but fun) Wood Elves force to play with down the road.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Classic Warhammer Fantasy Miniatures: Dark Elf Army

Over the course of the last many months I've been collecting a number of painted units from Ebay with the intention of creating a small Dark Elf Warhammer Fantasy Battle army.  Most of them were painted to a good standard, and I simply needed to touch up each unit, adding some details, re-basing, and dipping (using my normal method) for some consistency.  I added the Dark Elf Assassin I painted a few months ago, and also added a Dark Elf Repeating Bolt Thrower that I painted up a couple of weeks ago.  Finally, I printed some appropriate banners from Kinko's, and the army was complete.  I'm very happy with the minimal painting time and cost.

The figures are a mix of Citadel and Marauder Miniatures from the mid-1980s to around the mid-1990s.  My favorites are the two Doom Drakes - proto-Cold Ones - that have a more primal and fun look, (at least to me).  Finding square bases of the appropriate size will continue to be a big challenge, but I've already started buying painted units from Ebay for small Chaos, High Elf, Dwarf, and Empire forces (when the price is right).

Monday, September 28, 2020

Classic Warhammer Fantasy Miniatures: Giant Eagle

A few weeks ago I painted up yet another classic Warhammer Fantasy Battle miniature, this time sculpted by the prolific duo Aly and Trish Morrison.  This eagle was originally released in 1993 as part of Marauder's MB16 Elf Lord on Giant War Eagle boxset, and later released separately without its rider as a Giant Eagle.

This was an Ebay purchase, and it was my first time painting a bird (at least of this size).  I relied heavily upon the dry-brush method and finished it up the miniature with a matching 1990s-style base in green.  It was both fun and fast to paint up.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Classic Warhammer Fantasy Miniatures: Grey Wizard

I recently finished painting up another old classic Warhammer Fantasy Battle miniature.  This time it's the Grey Wizard (073791/3) designed by Dave Andrews from back in the early 1990s.

The guy has been in my collection, half painted, since the early 2000s.  His sword was painted with a special green paint during an in-store painting class at the old Games and Gizmos Genesis store in Redmond.  The metal was shaved down and a green translucent paint was painted over the bare metal.  It gives it a metallic sheen.

Although a Grey Wizard, I went for a more bluish-grey color for his robes.  I had fun finishing him up with a classic 1990s-style base.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Classic Warhammer Fantasy Miniatures: Grombrindal, Gotrek and Felix (and a Dark Elf Assassin)

I recently finished painting up some old classic Warhammer Fantasy Battle miniatures.

The original White Dwarf ("Grombrindal") miniature was sculpted by Colin Dixon and released back in 1996. It was the sole remaining miniature from my old WHFB Dwarf army that I played (unpainted) in the late 1990s and sold off in the early 2000s. For some reason I kept the old chap around on the off chance I had an urge to paint him up one day. It took almost 25 years, but finally got around to him....

Michael Perry sculpted the classic Gotrek and Felix miniatures, which were released way back in June 1993. I owned them back in the mid-1990s, sold them off (unpainted), then picked up another set a few years ago.

I tried to go for the old classic 1990s look. I didn't dip these models and didn't use my usual painting shortcuts this time, (no Sharpie pens). Felix's colors changed a few times during my painting endeavor, but his color scheme ended up fairly close to the pictures from the time of their release. For basing them I decided on going with a homage to the 1990s Goblin Green style....

In addition, I found an old Dark Elf Assassin in the same bits box with my other classic models. I forget why I bought him, but he was primed and partially painted (perhaps for use in a failed attempt at a Warhammer Quest redux during the mid-2000s). I decided to finish him up along with the other models, and I worked on him intermittently when I needed to wait for the other models to dry before proceeding.

These were fun to paint up and can join a few other classic models I had painted and kept around, (mostly from the late 1990s).  I prefer these older models to the newer plastic models that Games Workshop has released lately - they are easier to paint and I think they often have more charm and character.  However, next I may try to paint up the latest plastic Gotrek model as a comparison.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Gotrek Gurnisson's Warscroll for Age of Sigmar Released

Gotrek Gurnisson's new miniature was recently released for Warhammer Age of Sigmar.  His Warscroll has also been revealed and he is a beast on the tabletop!  Alas, his BFF and chronicler Felix has not (yet?) joined him in the Mortal Realms....

Many years ago Games Workshop released rules for Gotrek and Felix for Warhammer Fantasy Battle, in the Regiments of Renown supplement.  It is interesting to see Gotrek's stats from that time.