Saturday, July 13, 2024

Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game Miniatures: Crebain

As I get more into Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game (MESBG), I recently embarked on a project to paint up a flock of crebain -- the sinister spies of Saruman who play a significant role in the journey of the Fellowship while they camped in Hollin. 

The models, sculpted by Medbury Miniatures are aptly named "Bad Birds" and I think they capture the menacing essence of these dark spies. 

I started by priming the models with a grey-black. I then dry-brushed the models with a dark blue-grey. To enhance the shadows and add depth, I used Army Painter Dark Tone to emphasize the details and create a more dynamic appearance. The final result was a flock of Crebain that I think look both menacing and ready to swoop down on unwary hobbits!

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