Friday, April 8, 2016

Children of the Hydra's Teeth

One of my favorite movies is still Jason and the Argonauts, released way back in 1963.  And my favorite scene of course is the climax of the movie featuring the Ray Harryhausen stop-motion skeletons.  A few years ago I bought some Wargames Factory Skeletons to try and replicate the skeletons from that scene.  Assembling these models was a painful experience.  Even once assembled, they are extremely fragile.  However, I think they are the best-looking skeletons on the market.  I dipped them a few weeks ago and bought some Peddinghaus Decals 1/72 Greek Shield Emblems EP1168 for the Greek shields.  I finished them up with flock two weeks ago.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Star Wars: Rebellion

This morning Strom came over for a morning game session to try out our first game of Star Wars: Rebellion from Fantasy Flight Games.  I was the Empire and Strom was the Rebellion.  We used the Quick Start rules to quickly jump into the game.

Strategy - My strategy was to split the map in half and have one large force on each side of the map capable of destroying the Rebel Base, once located.  I would concentrate on running through the Probe Droid deck to try and quickly locate the Rebel Base.

Early Game - General Rieekan had been captured and frozen in carbonite on Mandalore.  We both recruited leaders and slowly built up our forces.  Strom never got Obi-Wan during the game and only received Han and Chewie just before mid-game.

Mid Game - There was a failed attempt by the Rebels to blow up the first Death Star.  Luke was completing his Jedi training with Yoda on Dagobah, while far overhead the planet Moff Jerjerrod was overseeing the building of the second Death Star.  Chewbacca was captured after completing a mission on Malastare, but did not succumb to my attempt at turning him to Dark Side....

End Game - With the second Death Star completed, I now had two armed and fully operational Death Stars.  I had winnowed down the possible locations of the Rebel Base to one of three systems:  Dantooine (in lower left section of the board), Tatooine, or Ryloth (which were both in the upper right section of the board).  I only needed to send my forces to find the Rebel Base and destroy it.  Meanwhile, the Rebel forces were assembling at Naboo, while my large Imperial fleet at Dagobah prepared for an attack on the Rebel fleet.

Dantooine was taken... only to find no Rebel activity on the planet!  The Rebel Base was on Tatooine or Ryloth.  However, it was too late - the Rebel forces and their expert diplomacy has taken their toll. The game ended, the Rebellion successful at persuading the galaxy that the time of the Empire was at its end.

Summary - In all, we had a fun time.  Setup took about a half-hour, but the game itself was almost four hours to complete.  We found that combat really slowed down the game, especially the Tactics cards, which seemed a little fiddly.  However, the game is cinematic, fun, and oozes theme, (Star Wars music playing in the background is a must).  I look forward to re-reading the rules and seeing what I missed for our next session.

Moff Jerjerrod oversaw the construction of a second Death Star over Dagobah.
General Rieekan was captured early in the game on Mandalore, and later frozen in Carbonite.
Wedge bested Admiral Piett over Geonosis.
General Veers versus "General... Madine" on Ord Mantell.  Veers won this one.
I captured Chewbacca after his sabotage mission, but failed to turn him to the Dark Side....
Both fleets prepared for a great battle that never ended up happening.
I took Dantooine, but found no Rebel Base!
End game - the Rebel Base ended up being on Ryloth - in the upper right of the map....

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Warhammer Quest: The Adventure Card Game

We played Warhammer Quest: The Adventure Card Game last weekend.  It is a four player card game (with dice) from Fantasy Flight Games.  We only got about 75% through it since it was the last game we started and it was getting late.  I played the Warrior Priest, my character from the original Warhammer Quest back from the 1990s.  I even brought out my old miniature to hang out while we played....  The game is fun and similar to other card/dice combination games from Fantasy Flight, such as Blood Bowl: Team Manager or the Space Hulk: Death Angel card game.  We got down the mechanics and are ready to go for our next gaming session.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Relic Knights - Shattered Sword

I recently finished a number of Shattered Sword models for Relic Knights by Soda Pop Miniatures.  I used the dipping method, using Minwax PolyShade.

My daughter also painted her ever first models, (using the same dipping method).  They didn't turn out too bad for her first attempt at painting miniatures.  She only spent 5-10 minutes painting each model; although I painted and finished all the bases for her.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Star Wars Armada Wave III Preview

Fantasy Flight Games just previewed Wave III for Armada. The preview shows two examples of the newly introduced ship type - the Flotilla. The Imperial Assault Carriers Expansion Pack includes Gozanti-class cruisers and the Rebel Transports Expansion Pack includes GR-75 medium transports. Also shown are Fleet Support upgrades, which allow you to coordinate with and support the other ships in your fleet.

The big question -- will Wave III include any other ships, or is this it?  I think FFG will likely preview the other half of this wave in the next week or so.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Cheap Custom Guild Ball Mat

Last weekend I created a small 2x2 mat for Guild Ball, a game that I'd like to test out in the next few months.  I made the mat out of green felt (from Joann), using a white fabric pen to draw in the lines.  Using the 50% coupon, in all it came out to cost just about $12 total.  I picked up the Mason Starter Set and assembled them last weekend.

Not bad for twelve bucks....

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Galactic A-Holes in 15mm

I recently completed painting all five of the 15mm Galactic A-Holes from Highlander Studios.  These will be used in 15mm Superhero campaigns.

Hello World!

Mezmaron's Lair is a new wargaming and hobby blog.  I've been wargaming since the 1990s and have been posting on Dakka Dakka since its inception.  I'm excited to have my own space to share my reviews, pictures, thoughts, tips, and other wargaming-related musings.