Sunday, September 15, 2024

BlitzBowl: Ultimate Second Edition – (Another) New Era for BlitzBowl Fans and Newcomers Alike!

BlitzBowl: Ultimate Second Edition (UE2) has hit the shelves, and players are diving into the new tweaks, updated rules, and exciting changes that have arrived. For those unfamiliar, BlitzBowl is a streamlined, faster-paced version of Blood Bowl, making it ideal for quicker games while retaining the tactical depth and excitement of its parent game. Let’s break down the most important updates in this new edition:

Team Stat Adjustments: One of the most significant changes is the tweaking of team stats across the board, with almost every team receiving updates to make gameplay more balanced and immersive. Here are some notable changes:

  • Dark Elf Runners now have the "Dump-Off" ability, allowing them to make a free short throw when targeted for a block. This gives a nice tactical advantage, especially in a game where positioning and actions are critical.
  • Elven Union Linemen and Catchers have seen improvements in their Throwing stat, moving from 4+ to 3+, making them much more efficient at passing. Their Throwers also gain the "Expert Passer" ability, allowing re-rolls on failed throws—cementing the Elven Union as the go-to for precision passing plays.
  • Imperial Nobility sees quite a few changes, including a name change from "Retainer" to "Lineman," and a drop in Armor value. Their Throwers now have the "Running Pass" ability, which lets them make a short throw after a Run action—adding mobility to their strategy.
  • Teams like Ogre, Lizardmen, and Orcs have seen tweaks to their Emergency Reserves, which adjusts how frequently they can bring players back from the bench. These changes seem to streamline gameplay by limiting overpowered reserve mechanics from previous editions.

Mark Action Reworked: The Mark Action has seen a substantial change. Previously, a player could move up to two spaces, even after marking an opponent. Now, when a player marks an opponent, they must stop immediately. This change prevents players from exploiting movement after marking, leading to a more strategic game with a focus on positioning. Slower teams with good armor, like Dwarfs and Ogres, benefit from this, as they no longer face the threat of being overwhelmed by fast, Marking opponents.

Throw Team-Mate: For teams like Ogre, Halfling, and Goblin, the new rules for Throw Team-Mate bring a refreshing change. You can now target opposition players with this ability, and although the thrown player will get injured, the opposing player will be knocked down with a guaranteed hit. This adds an unpredictable yet fun dynamic to the game, and teams that rely on brute strength or wild tactics, such as the Ogres or Goblins, now have a more competitive edge.

Team Differentiation: One of the big goals with UE2 seems to have been enhancing team differentiation. Previously, many teams, such as Humans, Nobles, and Elven Union, felt too similar in playstyle. UE2 fixes this by giving teams unique abilities and stats that bring out their individual flavor. For example, Elven Union is now much more focused on precision passing, turning them into a squad of throw-demigods. Meanwhile, Imperial Nobility has become more fragile, but their abilities—like excellent medical treatment and passing options—give them a strategic advantage. Orcs are slightly more vulnerable but have become brawl-heavy, leaning into their brutality. The Wood Elf Wardancer now has a special ability called "Wardance," allowing a free Sidestep action, further differentiating this agile team from the rest. Necromantic teams also benefit from unique abilities, like the Werewolf’s "Violent" claws, and Flesh Golems’ "Stand Firm," making them tougher on the field.

No More Stopping the Clock: In the previous edition, players could discard a challenge card and effectively pause the game’s timer. This rule has been made mandatory in UE2—discarding a card is no longer optional, which forces players to keep the game moving. This subtle change eliminates stalling tactics, making for a faster, more dynamic match.

No End of Game Challenge Cards: Another notable absence is the "End of Game Challenge Cards." These cards, which offered bonus points at the end of a game, have been removed. Some players appreciated the unpredictability these cards brought, while others found them frustrating. Without these cards, the game is more predictable and stable, but players who enjoyed the excitement of a final turn comeback may miss them.

New Gameboard Options: In addition to rules and teams, BlitzBowl: UE2 introduces spicy new board layouts to change up gameplay. The game now includes new board configurations, each offering unique setups and opportunities for strategic positioning. These new boards give players a fresh experience, providing different shapes and obstacles that significantly affect how games play out. Whether you’re defending narrow lanes or positioning to exploit wide-open spaces, the updated boards make each match feel distinctive.

The Verdict: Is UE2 Worth It?

For new players, the core box includes Orcs and Dwarfs—a classic matchup that highlights the game's brutal yet tactical nature. These two iconic teams offer a perfect introduction to the game's mechanics, with the Orcs’ raw power clashing against the Dwarfs’ resilience, making for intense and strategic gameplay right out of the box.

For veteran BlitzBowl players, the changes in UE2 are exciting, especially if you're into team customization and strategic depth. With clearer distinctions between teams and the rebalancing of abilities, the game now offers more variety and unique playstyles, making each match feel fresh.

BlitzBowl: Ultimate Second Edition also shows Games Workshop's continuing commitment to support and balance the game, which is great for both casual players and competitive fans alike. The updates provide new strategies, fresh challenges, and refined gameplay, ensuring that BlitzBowl remains engaging and accessible while rewarding tactical depth. This ongoing attention to detail demonstrates their dedication to keeping this great game evolving and enjoyable for the community.

For those in the US, BlitzBowl: Ultimate Second Edition is now available at Barnes & Noble, making it easier than ever to get your hands on the latest version.