Sunday, June 27, 2021

RIP Ral Partha 77-706 White Paint Bottle (1993-2021)

One of my last two Ral Partha paints was thrown in the trash today.  The bottle of "White" (just... White) had been with me from the beginning of my hobby journey in the mid-1990s.  As we are facing a severe heat wave here, I decided to check all my acrylics, ensure the seal was tight on all the bottles, and reconstitute them with some water if needed.  When I opened this bottle to add a few drops, I found a black mold growing inside.  I seriously considered just removing the mold and continuing to use the paint, but as a white paint, I realized this was a sign that signified the end of line for this stalwart.

Surviving 77-706 White... is 77-707 Gray, which becomes my last remaining Ral Partha paint bottle.  I'm hoping my Gray bottle will remain usable for the next few years.  Kinda as a reverse Gandalf situation, which is poetic as the Ral Partha company itself was named after an old wizard character played in the founder's RPG gaming group.